Glue dispenser inlet pressure monitoring
System and equipment manufacturing has a wide range of professional application production equipment. Micro Sensor provides pressure sensors for device manufacturers for product design and development.
Dispensing machine is used to control adhesive, paint and other liquids. It requires compressed air to be fed into the glue bottle for proper operation. The role of the pressure transmitter is to monitor the pressure at the air inlet to ensure that the dispenser works properly.
Range: 0~250mbar to 0~250bar
Pressure Type: Gauge, Absolute, Positive/Negative
Accuracy: ±0.25%FS
0bar~10bar, 16bar, 20bar, 25bar, 50bar
Micro-fused technology, , overpressure resistance
Gauge, absolute, sealed gauge
Long-term stability ± 0.1%FS/year