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In order to ensure the safety of the ship's operation, especially during the loading and unloading procedure, it is essential to prevent the liquid level from being too high to overflow which will cause fire or ocean pollution. Therefore, the key parameters on the ship must be monitored in real-time. Micro Sensore provides products and solution as below.
/Details_level_measurement_for_chemical_tank_on_the_ship.html | Details >
The ship's ballast water system operates by using the pump to inhale or drain off the water in the cabin so that the ship maintains normal ballast and normal trim. At this time, as long as the water is injected into the port side tank, the original ballast will be restored and the vessel is smoothed. The pressure ands level needed to be measured then.
/Details_pressure_and_level_transmitter_applied_in_ship_is_ballast_tank.html | Details >