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Micro Sensor Supplied Pressure Sensors and Transmitters for Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital

Micro Sensor Supplied Pressure Sensors and Transmitters for Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital

Micro Sensor Supplied Pressure Sensors and Transmitters for Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital. fighting against the COVID-19 virus together.

/Details_micro_sensor_fight_for_covid-19.html  |  Details >

M6 and M7 Digital Indicator for Pressure Sensors and Transmitters

M6 and M7 Digital Indicator for Pressure Sensors and Transmitters

M6 and M7 display are newly developed indicators for pressure sensors and pressure transmitters. They are 2- wire with 4 digits display, powered by 4mA~20mA DC loop without extra power supply.

/Details_digital_indicator_for_pressure_sensors_and_transmitters.html  |  Details >


Contact Us

If you still can't find what you're looking for, please contact us with more details so that we can provide you with a suitable solution.


No. 18, Yingda Road,
Baoji, 721006,Shaanxi,P.R.China

German Subsidiary
Micro Sensor GmbH
Girardetstr. 6, D-45131 Essen, Germany

Tel: +86-29-88346384
Whatsapp: 15114817352