Problems Description
Nowadays, the need to improve the working environment is becoming more and more essential for industry professionals, especially dust, gas, and other toxic contaminants in the working air. Due to the national report on domestic professional diseases, nearly 90% of them are caused by over dusty air. So it is important to measure and control the working air to keep occupational health and safety professionals and ensure the immediate and long-term health and safety of employees.
But how to measure the particular rate and make adjustments according to related data? Particular rates are some of the most important contaminants to measure and can appear as smoke, mist, and dust. Conducting samples of air in potentially hazardous environments might be a good solution.
Micro Sensor has our own Occupational Health team and developed a series of sampling pumps offering you to detect the particular rate of working air. We have an M1500 air sampling pump, M30 airosol sampling pump and another are coming soon.
Solutions introduction:
A: Brief Description
The sampling process is composed of a collector and a sampling pump. The collector to collect the material being measured, the sampling pump is used to implement a directional flow of gas.
In order to meet the needs of field use, we provide two kinds of sample solutions. It can detect personal contacts, also can detect the environment of a site.
B: Application fields
Our sampling pump is suitable for environmental workers from enterprises like environmental monitoring stations, epidemic prevention, engineering quality indoor test, R&D institution, mining industry, etc., and it is used to collect the gases or aerosol samples like organic, inorganic and metallic toxicant in the air.
C: Features:
Our sampler design protection, field calibration, and many other functions, the system makes the sampling process more precise and reliable.
As well as protecting workers and the environment, the practice of taking samples of air can be helpful in determining what kind of work environments should be offered for worker safety. Feel free to contact us for more detailed information.